Drain fly Control

Drain fly Control

Drain fly conrol are identified to belong from the gnat family and are pests that have light colored wings covered with fine hair that makes them look like moths.Drain fly is seen in various rooms of the house such as Bathrooms, Kitchens and are most commonly seen at night. Neither do they bite nor not do they spread diseases. They eat spoilt organic and sewage material. You find it difficult to explain but sense that it is not a normal housefly. The adults can be seen near spoiling sewage or organic material in your kitchen or bathroom walls etc. And their larva can be seen near sewage (drain not sewage) as well.

Drain-flies control by Pest away pest control

Understanding the problems associated with them before going for Drain fly Control:

Drain Flies Control Sydney can cause serious problems as a large number of them can clog up the sewage. They are dangerous when in numbers.

Where they are found at home: Sink Drain, Garage, Basement, floor drains, broken down or unused sinks, uncleaned trashcans, and other damp areas in the house.

Where they are found outside the home: Near compost, in badly garbage filled areas, Damaged septic lines, Collected rainwater, drain etc.

Preventive Steps recommended by us for Drain fly Control

Take a clean white Plastic Bag. Put a layer of petroleum on the inner surface. Put the bag over the suspicious drain. Leave it there for days and check it regularly.

Glue Board: Place glue board upside down on the drain. Keep it for a few days and check it daily. If the moth comes out it will get stuck to the board and you will have found the entry point. If no moth comes for a few days then try a different drain pipe. If you don’t find any inside the house try the drains directly outside. Once you find it you can remove and clean it and make sure that moths are not attracted to your home.

Use a hard brush to clean the drain.

Repair all leaky pipes

Do not let water collect anywhere and clear it up immediately.

Although they are an important water based part of the ecosystem, when their population grows, it becomes a serious nuisance for households. They are found in places that stay wet and damp and where they can find nutrients a plenty, such as drains.

To prevent future drain fly infestations, clean your drains once a week. Start by dumping 1/2 cup salt down the drain. Then dump 1/2 cup baking soda down on top of it. Follow that with 1 cup of plain white vinegar, and let the fun begin.

Flies will be attracted to the fragrant liquid and drown. Boil a pot of water and pour it down the drain 1-2 times daily for a week. Pour 1/2 cup of salt, 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar down the drain and allow to sit overnight. Follow with a pot of boiling water in the morning

what we do for you?

We do a thorough inspection and then suggest a series of preventive steps for drain fly control suiting to your structure.


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